Join the GAM today Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *EmailConfirm EmailPhone *Zip Code *Are you active military or have you served in the past? *Yes; active or prior serviceNo military serviceReason for interest in joining the Georgia Militia: *Check below *I agree with the privacy policy and below terms and conditions:Terms & Conditions GA Militia from henceforth and throughout this document will be call GAM, and by agreeing and selecting to this document you agree to all terms and conditions within this document. Our terms and conditions: To join GAM, you need to be a legal Georgia citizen, have a clean criminal record, and if in U.S armed forces, honorably discharged. You may have no affiliation with any hate groups. GAM will not provide any gear or any items used while with GAM. You will be required to get your own gear for you and your family. GAM will not be held responsible for any gear, damaged, lost or stolen. This includes all items owned by you and any items or gear you bring to GAM. GAM will not be held responsible if you get injured, experience health problems, animal attacks, or gunshot. GAM will not be held responsible criminally or civil while you are with GAM. We are 100% volunteer group and if you are approved to join GAM, then you will give up all legal and civil to litigation rights and cannot sue GAM criminally or civil. If anything happens to you or any family members for any reason, we will not be held responsible for any reason, legal or civil. Safety is our number one concern and we will not ask you to do anything beyond your abilities. It is your responsibility to inform GAM on any medical or any other issue that could add your health, state of mind, and anything that could cause an issue while with GAM. In other words, we need to know if there are medical conditions or something we need to be aware of. Again this is for maximum safety. GAM holds the right to remove you from GAM at any time and for any reason. We also hold the right if you do not feel comfortable around firearms; we hold the right to not allow you to use them. We also hold the right to refuse you to perform any actions we feel may compromise your safety or health. Safety is our number one concern and all orders will come from commanding officers and will be followed by you at all time and to your best ability. As with our Military, you still have the right to follow your conscience and refuse orders, but if this happens we have the right to remove you or act accordingly based on good and fair judgment. GAM is a militia and we are 100% volunteer. This means, you can come and go as you please, just like our founding fathers did, but we reserve the right to act accordingly based on just judgment. We would like everyone to participate in our FTX and training. This is how we grow and train as a team. If you stop coming for just come a few times, we have the right to remove you from all communications and remove you from our ranks. Other Rules GAM will not tolerate racism, religious hate groups, bigotry of any kind of liberalism. If you bring your hate or opinions, we reserve the right to either educate you or if we need to, remove you. We also ask that everyone respect one another, from ladies to personal effects. This means respect each other, their space and items. We don’t want stealing nor will we tolerate it. We go by the honor system. You have honor you will be honored, you disgrace, you get disgraced then removed. Also, remember the ladies, there will be no harassment. Harassment will not be tolerated. Private land GAM uses private land to run our FTX and training. All GAM members will respect this and will act accordingly by treating our lands like it was their own. Keeping lands clean and respecting it before, during and after all FTX and training/meetings. Let’s everybody work as a team. We follow the honor system, honor and respect each other and normally this never fails. Legal notification GAM will not be held responsible, legal or civil, for any damage or injuries to you, anybody in your family or anybody with you. GAM will be considered free from all charges legal or civil, future or past. This means GAM will not be held accountable for anything while you are with us and/or a member. Membership All members will go through a trial process before they are vetted. This vetted process can change and you will be notified how this works. We hold the right to change this at any time but will try our best to notify everybody. All members will keep all information about GAM to themselves and never talk about it with other people unless told by command staff. All members will follow GAM protocols and keep everything they hear, see, and learn to themselves. The only thing we like to see is your friends signing up, so you can talk about that with people you think will be interested, other than that keep all information and knowledge to yourself. If you have any friends who want to sign up, direct them to our website and the new recruit form. They need to join the same way as everybody else. Press All GAM members will never talk to the press, any group, or government agencies without command staff approval. Frist seek an officer before you say a word or simply tell them to contact our command staff for more information. Normally we just ask they don’t speak to any news, press, or anybody and just direct them to command staff. We do have a public affair officer to hand this type of stuff. Always remember Train as you fight and fight as you train. Never miss an opportunity to train. Always learn and always stay free! PhoneSubmit