American Flag

Thanks for your interest in joining or supporting the Georgia Militia. We are comprised of patriotic men and women who love America and the traditional values our country was founded on.

In the historical tradition of state militias, the Georgia Militia exists primarily to support our local and state communities in times of difficulty. This can include assistance offered by our group in the following scenarios:

  • disaster relief 
  • search and rescue operations
  • medical support
  • civil unrest and more

We need your support and participation to make the Georgia Militia the best organization it can be. Your involvement will not only benefit us, but will serve as an excellent opportunity for personal growth, skill development and community service. Furthermore, we are a tax-exempt, not-for-profit entity operating under 501c3 status at the Georgia state level (the Federal application is in progress); any financial donations you make to our organization are fully tax deductible.

Please be aware that the Georgia Militia welcomes applicants of all backgrounds and discriminates against no one on the basis of sex, race, religion or other individual traits. Our organization was founded, first and foremost, to be service and community-oriented with complete transparency to the public and the media. As such, our primary focus involves benefiting our communities in a direct and meaningful way. Our members are trained for proficiency in several valuable disciplines. Some of our training protocols involve:

  • disaster-preparedness
  • field medicine
  • survival skills
  • firearms training

Because we strengthen and develop ourselves in preparation for the challenges encountered in adverse situations, our members can offer assistance to others in need. The personal growth opportunities available when you join the Georgia Militia will improve the quality of your life, and the lives of those around you.

In contrast to some assumptions about militias, the Georgia Militia does not function as a political entity. Discussions about political preferences are permissible, but we are apolitical at the operational level. As such, we never promote or support any political candidate, nor do we demonstrate at protests (peaceful or otherwise). Because the Georgia Militia does not promote an anti-government agenda or agitate for social disorder, descriptors such as “racist” or “nationalist” are incompatible with our mission and our character.

We of the Georgia Militia are serious about building and maintaining a reputation of competency and professionalism. In summary: we train and assemble to serve our communities effectively, not to be a public spectacle. If our organization sounds like a great fit for you, we want to talk further. Thank you again for your interest, and we look forward to serving with you soon.